Doctoral Thesis Directed:
- Dr. G. Nayak, "Interactions between Plasma and Liquid Micro-Droplets" February 2021.
- Dr. V.S.S.K. Kondeti, "Fundamental Study of Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Interactions with Polymers and Liquids" January 2020
- Dr. Y. Luo, "Experimental and numerical study of nanosecond pulsed water-containing discharges" June 2019.
- Dr. S. Zhang, "Characterization of cold atmospheric pressure plasma jets" June 2015
- Dr. C. Vasko, "Microplasmas for H2O2 production" May 2015
- Dr. S. Hofmann, "Atmospheric pressure plasma jets: characterization and interaction with human cells and bacteria" December 2013
- Dr. T. Verreycken, "Spectroscopic investigation of OH dynamics in transient atmospheric pressure plasmas" August 2013
- Dr. A.F.H. van Gessel, "Laser diagnostics on atmospheric pressure plasma jets" May 2012
Masters Thesis Directed
- S. Dabhole, "Batch reactor for food decontamination" May 2020
- M. Suresh, "Plasma-biomaterial interactions" March 2020
- A. Moldgy, "Surface Decontamination using Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma" June 2019
- A. Brahme, "Plasma interaction and penetration" May 2018
- G. Nayak, "Two-dimensional micro-discharge jet array in air: characterization and inactivation of virus" June 2016
- P. Williams, "Plasma jets interacting with living matter" June 2015
- B. van Ham, "Study of a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet: mass spectrometry and bacteria inactivation" August 2013
- A.H.J. Kruyen, "Feasibility study for the use of a floating-electrode dielectric barrier discharge for skin disinfection in the context of neonatal sepsis" July 2013
- S. van Grootel, "Measurement of absolute atomic oxygen densities in atmospheric pressure plasma jets" April 2013
- R. Mensink, "OH production in a low temperature atmospheric pressure plasma jet in the context of tooth whitening" August 2012
- C. van Gils, "Investigation of the mechanism of bacterial inactivation induced by a cold atmospheric pressure plasma jet for burn wound treatment" August 2012
- R. Joosten (van der Horst), "Nanosecond pulsed discharges in N2 and N2/H2O mixtures" August 2011
- T. Verreycken, "Plasma`s in contact met vloeistoffen (Plasmas in contact with liquids)" June 2009
- K. Kemel, "Plasma in bellen (Plasmas in bubbles)" June 2007
Undergraduate Student Activities:
- Undergraduate research projects:
- Hubbard, K. O`Donnell, J. Sauve and Y. Thao (ME, Fall 2018 – capstone design project)
- X. Chenxi (Xi`an Jiatong University, summer 2016)
- K. Boujnah (ME, summer 2016)
- Cich (Biomed. Eng., spring 2015)
- J. Daley (Biomed. Eng. spring 2014)
- Final year bachelor research projects, Eindhoven University of Technology, 2009-2013:
- K. Alards, L. Cornelissen, P. Urlings, S. van der Linden, T. van de Ven, M. van Drunen
- Final year bachelor research projects from Bachelor Physics and Bachelor Engineering, Ghent University, 2005-2008:
- T. Verreycken, D. Moseev, M. Vanhalst, D. Beke, N. Callebaut, T. Jacobs, L. Penninck, M. Vanderhaegen, N. De Kock, S. Meersman, A. Thielens